Inheritance issues

The death of a family member is generally already heartbreaking enough by itself. When as a result conflicts arise involving issues about the distribution of the inheritance, there might seem no light at the end of the tunnel.

The relentless grip

Unfortunately, the latter happens frequently. Matter and emotions become one. Unintentionally, this situation is a kind of deadlock from which no one can free themselves. This way legacy issues can drag on for years amongst heirs and their families.

Working towards to a solution

I mediate between heirs. Within the framework of the mediation we jointly examine possible solutions which will do justice to all concerned, without (further) damage, and preferably salvage of the relationships.


The safe context of mediation gives the heirs space to loosen the negative hold on the situation that sometimes controlled them for years. This usually clears the air on all aspects.

Since 1999, I have committed my experience and knowledge to support people and businesses in conflict situations to work towards workable solutions for all parties involved. I am multi-certified as a mediator, trainer and coach, offering mediation and training services domestically as well as abroad and online where required. Call directly for free information: +31 6 54 787 464.