Do you have minor children and you wish to split up as partners? Then (under Dutch law) you should develop a Parenting Plan. There are all kinds of issues that need to be addressed in the best interest of the children.
Drawing up such a plan ensures that you think carefully about what should be taken care of and how you want to go about that.
Often it is a challenge to reach joint agreements yourselves. As a mediator, I can adequately help you.
Authority: how is parental authority arranged?
Registration: at what address (with which parent) will the child be registered?
Living: When will the child be with the respective parents?
Costs: who contributes what to the cost of living and the special costs of children?
You can also capture issues such as:
Care and division of tasks
Mutual contact and consultation (right to receive and duty to provide information about the child / children)
School / sport
Medical care
Vacations / holidays and birthdays
Travelling with the children
Insurance for of the children
How to deal with the introduction of new relationships in the lives of the children
Periodical evaluation of your appointments
There can also be a mirrored situation: a divorced parent forming a new blended family together with a new spouse and children. In that situation it is wise to draw up a Blended Family Plan. (Read more here).
Since 1999, I have committed my experience and knowledge to support people and businesses in conflict situations to work towards workable solutions for all parties involved. I am multi-certified as a mediator, trainer and coach, offering mediation and training services domestically as well as abroad and online where required. Call directly for free information: +31 6 54 787 464.